About us

iDelta is an Indian Premium and Authorized Reseller of Apple Products in India.

Having high aspirations, the foundation of iDelta was placed to set up a new milestone in customer service and store operations. With incessant efforts we've spread our horizon across states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab and Haryana having seven stores and four service centers in Meerut, Lucknow, Dehradun, Faridabad, Ludhiana and Jalandhar.

Our aim is to share our enthusiasm and passion for all things Apple ensuring you have the very best experience every time you visit one of our stores.

Our showrooms are designed with Apple's world-class standards, where we showcase and demo the latest Apple products in India.

You can expect a complete range of Apple products and the highest level of customer service and care in every iDelta Apple store.

Our stores offer a relaxed environment, where you're welcome to try-out the very latest Apple hardware. Our staff are friendly, helpful and knowledgeable Apple experts, ready to discuss your needs or issues.