Privacy Policy

At iDelta, we value your concerns about online privacy & security while browsing and shopping at our website. We make every effort to guarantee that the information you provide will not be misused. If for some reason the following privacy and security policy does not answer your questions, please contact us. We value your feedback and look forward to improving our services to better meet your needs.

When And What Information Does iDelta Collect?

iDelta collects basic information required to service your requests, including your name, mailing address, email and phone number. This information is gathered when you sign up for email notifications, and we ensure the greatest amount of safety and security.

When you browse our website, we also use "cookies" or bits of tracking data to gather information about your preferences. This includes your internet service provider's address and your clicks and activity on our website. We do not trace this information to individual customers and will never use cookies to save confidential information such as passwords or credit/debit card information.

Why Do We Collect This Information?

The primary reason we gather information is for order processing, shipping and customer service. For example, we may contact you to provide an update on your order, information regarding the shipping status or to clarify questions related to your order. We also use this information to improve our products, services, website content and navigation.

Does iDelta Share My Information With Other Companies?

iDelta respects that you do not want your personal information shared with other companies. Therefore, the information which you provide will only be used for your intended purpose and to complete your purchase. iDelta does not share, rent or sell your information with any other company.

How Do I Update My Account Information?

It is quick and easy to update your account information. Simply log in at My Account and proceed to 'Account Information'. Please note that we do not store your credit/debit card information in your personal profile.

How Do I Remove My Name From The iDelta Email List?

If you would like to unsubscribe from our email mailing list, you can always do so by clicking on the Unsubscribe link in the iDelta email sent you. If you are a registered user with, you can also log into My Account, and unsubscribe from the Newsletter Subscriptions page. In both cases, you will be removed from our mailing list.